Follow these guidelines when preparing 3D models that won't be using Polygon Streaming.
Supported file formats
Unity Asset Bundle
VIVERSE for Business supports Unity standard and custom shaders, including animations.
Prepare AssetBundle files for all target platforms (‘*_windows.ab’, ‘*_android.ab’, and
‘*_ios.ab’) to allow users of VIVE XR Elite, VIVE Focus 3, and PC VR headsets, as well as
Android and iOS mobile devices to view your 3D model.
3D and image formats
Use any of the following supported 3D formats for your 3D model:
- FBX (zipped)
- glTF (zipped)
- OBJ (zipped)
image formats for your textures:
- JPG (baseline & progressive - 12 bpc/arithmetic not supported)
- BMP (non-1bpp, non-RLE)
If your 3D model has separate texture files, the 3D model and textures must be packaged into a
ZIP file and then uploaded. If your 3D model doesn't have separate texture files, it doesn't need to
be packaged into a ZIP file. Your 3D model can be directly uploaded.
If you want to use an FBX model, the ZIP package should contain one .fbx file and all the texture
images in JPG or PNG format. Make sure they're properly set and connected. You can also
upload a single .fbx file if it has embedded textures.
Note: If the textures are not properly connected in your file, they will appear as plain white after
conversion. Only binary FBX files are supported. ASCII-based FBX files are not supported.
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